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Guest Lectures at ASKT


October 26, 2020
Recording of Rabbi/Dr. Aaron Glatt’s pandemic Q&A with Milwaukee  Click Here
Click Here for the Summary of the Zoom session for the Milwaukee Community with Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt Monday – October 26, 2020


Tues., Sept. 17, 2019
"Why Can't I get Inspired about the High Holidays?"

Rabbi Michel Twerski

Wed., Aug. 7, 2019
"With blood and fire it shall be rebuilt: Pittsburgh, trauma, and the Jewish people - one rabbi's journey"

Rabbi Yonason Meadows

Wed., May 29, 2019
“Sefirat HaOmer (Counting the Omer): It's Not Too Late to Make it Count.

Dana Margolis, Senior Lecturer for Hebrew Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Wed., Feb. 20, 2019
"Can't We All Just Get Along? - Lessons from the Purim Story"

Rabbi Hillel Brody


Tues., Dec. 11, 2018
"What Students Say: Antisemitism and Anti-Israel Hostility on Campus"

Dr. Michelle Shain

Tues., Oct. 16, 2018
How to Land Your Plane in a Storm

Rebbetzin Feige Twerski

Mon., August 27, 2018
Inspiration for the Holidays

Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Rauch, WITS

Wed., July 18, 2018
Sinas Chinam: Religious Diversity and the Ongoing Struggle for Jewish Unity

Rabbi Jay Shapiro


Feb. 3, 2014
"Tehillim Revealed - Uncovering the Deeper Meaning in King David's Psalms
Rabbi Shaya Greenwald

Thurs., Sept. 18th, 2014
"In the Aftermath of the Apocalypse" "Opportunities to Engage American Jewry in Light of the Pew Report"
Rabbi Steven Weil, Senior Managing Director of the Orthodox Union

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785