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Nach Yomi
Nach Yomi (Daily Neviim and Ketuvim - Prophets and Writings )
Join the Nach Yomi program in which one chapter is learned of the Prophets and Writings every day and the entire Nach (Neviim and Ketuvim - Prophets and Writings) is completed in two years. Each one of the following presentations by Rabbi Kalmar contain a brief summary of the chapter and a bit of inspiration from that chapter.
Samuel I (February 24 - March 31, 2020)
Samuel I - Chapter 13 - “Subverting our Logic to the Will of the Almighty"
Samuel I - Chapter 14 - “Virtue of Patience”
Samuel I - Chapter 23 - "God's Salvation Comes in the Blink of an Eye”
Judges (Feb. 2 - February 23, 2020)
Judges 1: “Sharing the Glory”
Judges 2: “Crying’s All Right”
Judges 3: “What the Success of the Jewish People Depends Upon”
Judges 4: “Humility in the face of Greatness”
Judges 5: “Seize the Moment!”
Judges 6: “God will be on your side “
Judges 7: “Spreading the Credit”
Judges 8: “Speak Softly and Change War into Peace”
Judges 9: “What Goes Around....”
Judges 10: “Even if the Sword is on your neck”
Judges 11: “Be Willing to Walk Back What You Said”
Judges 12: “Ego vs Ego”
Judges 13: “Service is Strength"
Judges 14: “Guarding Our Eyes”
Judges 15: “Calling Out to God in Distress”
Judges 16: "Truth Will Out”
Judges 17: “The Power of Hospitality"
Judges 18: “Shame - Be Careful with it!”
Judges 19: “The Destructive Power of Anger and Fear”
Joshua 1-24 (Jan 9th - February 1st, 2020)
Joshua (Yehoshua) 1: “Be Strong and of Good Courage!”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 2: “No Matter Where You Are Now...”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 3: “Be the Ark of the Lord!”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 4: "The Torah Carries Us”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 5: "Self-Sacrifice Then and Today”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 6: "The Key to Success - Faith in God”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 7: “Never give up on yourself!”:
Joshua (Yehoshua) 8: “Image of God even in the Worst of Men”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 9: “Sharing that -There IS fear of God in Israel”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 10: “Looking Out for Everyone"
Joshua (Yehoshua) 11: “Not by our Strength and Military Might”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 12: “Servant of the Lord - Changing Our Perspective”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 13: “We are all Levi”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 14: “Speaking Truth to Power”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 15: “He will execute judgment for the quiet”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 16: “Compromise”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 17: “Making the Most of What You Have”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 18: “Why we have Israel”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 19: “Highlighting our Strengths - Curbing our weaknesses”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 20: “Not In My Lifetime”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 21: “Timing is Everything”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 22: “Talk it Out”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 23: “Everyone can Cling to God”
Joshua (Yehoshua) 24: “Fair Weather Jews?”
Tue, March 11 2025
11 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharit : 6:45am |
Weekday Mincha/Maariv : 6:35pm |
Tomorrow's Calendar
Shacharit : 6:45am |
Weekday Mincha/Maariv : 6:35pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 6:38pm |
Erev Shabbat Mincha Winter : 6:40pm |
Shabbat Day
Shacharit : 9:00am |
Mincha Shabbat : 6:30pm |
Havdalah : 7:39pm |
Motzai Shabbat Maariv : 7:40pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Tisa
Shabbat, Mar 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 14, 6:38pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 15, 7:39pm |
Taanit Esther & Erev Purim
Thursday, Mar 13 |
Anshe Sfard Kehillat Torah 6717 N Green Bay Ave Glendale WI 53209 (414) 228-9296 |
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Anshe Sfard Kehillat Torah (ASKT) is a Modern Orthodox synagogue, located within an eruv, in the Northshore Milwaukee suburb of Glendale, Wisconsin.
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