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Jewish Thought
Jewish Thought"Judaism While Standing on One Foot"
Rabbi Kalmar's address to Winneconne High School Students as part of a HERC program Click Here to listen to the address
Orchos Tzadikim
Orchos Tzadikim "Return: A Series on Teshuva based on the Rambam's Hilchot Teshuvah"
Session 2: Chapter 1, the Gate of Pride. In this chapter, the trait of pride is dissected and the details of ‘Good’ pride and ‘bad’ pride are delineated. This chapter also introduces us to the methods our own ‘yetzer hara’ [evil inclination] uses to trap and fool us.
Session 3: Chapter 2, the Gate of Humility. In this chapter, the trait of humility is described and the six ways that one can recognize the trait of humility in others are enumerated.
Session 4: Chapter 3, the Gate of Shame. In this chapter, the trait of humility is elaborated on, as the author enumerates all the rewards that accrue to the humble soul. Six different signs of true humility are also described.
Session 5: Chapter 4, the Gate of Arrogance. In this chapter, the trait of arrogance is discussed. There is bad arrogance – which causes one to lose many of the positive qualities that one has. There is also good arrogance – which one uses to stand up for what is right and good.
Session 6: Chapter 5, the Gate of Love. In this chapter, the trait of Love is elucidated at length. Love is described as a very powerful trait and while it has many positive aspects, seven different directions in which one can abuse love are detailed as well as their remedies.
Session 7: Chapter 6, the Gate of Hatred, and Chapter 7, the Gate of Mercy. In Chapter 6 various forms of hatred are discussed, both bad and good. In Chapter 7 the positive trait of mercy is detailed and some negative aspects are unpacked as well.
Session 8: Chapter 8, the Gate of Cruelty. In Chapter 8, cruelty and its manifestations and consequences are specified.
Session 9: Chapter 9, Shaar HaSimcha – The Gate of Joy. In Chapter 9, both negative and positive manifestations of joy are discussed. There is also a long discussion in the middle of the chapter about faith and trust in God.
Session 10: Chapter 10, The Gate of Worry. In Chapter 10, The Gate of worry, the positive and negative manifestations of worrying are discussed.
Session 11: Chapter 11, the Gate of Regret. In Chapter 11, aspects of the trait of regret are elucidated.
Session 12: Chapter 12, the Gate of Anger. In Chapter 12, the trait of anger and its detrimental characteristics discussed.
Session 13: Chapter 13, the Gate of Willingness. In Chapter 13, the power of the trait of willingness will be explored.
Session 14: Chapter 14, the Gate of Envy. In Chapter 14, negative and positive aspects of envy will be explored.
Session 15: Chapter 15, the Gate of Zeal. In Chapter 15, the trait of zeal is discussed.
Session 16: Chapter 16, the Gate of Laziness. In Chapter 16, the trait of laziness is discussed.
Session 17: Chapter 17 and 18 Shaar HaNedivus – The Gate of Magnanimity and Shaar HaTzayikanus – The Gate of Miserliness
Session 18: Chapter 19, the trait of memory is discussed. Today's podcast will cover Chapter 19 - The Gate of Remembrance, Shaar Hazechira
Session 19: Chapter 19 Shaar HaShichacha – The Gate of Forgetfullness
Session 20: Today’s podcast will cover Chapter 20 Shaar HaShtikah – The Gate of Silence. In Chapter 20 the trait of silence is discussed.
Session 21: Chapter 21 Shaar HaSheker – The Gate of Falsehood. In Chapter 21 the trait of is falsehood is discussed.
Session 22: Chapter 22 Shaar HaEmes – The Gate of Truth and Chapter 23 Shaar HaChanifus – The Gate of Flattery. In Chapter 22 the advantages of being true in every sense are discussed. In Chapter 23 the various forms of flattery are investigated.
Session 23: Chapter 25 Lashon Hara – The Gate Evil Speech. In Chapter 25 the types and aftereffects of lashon hara are explained.
Session 24: Chapter 26, Shaar HaTeshuvah - The Gate of Repentance. Chapter 26 deals with all aspects of repentance.
Session 25: Chapter 27 Shaar HaTorah – The Gate of Torah. In Chapter 27 there is discussion of the value of learning Torah, methods of study and the history of Torah study.
Session 26: Chapter 28 Shaar Yiras Shamayim – The Gate of Fear of Heaven. In Chapter 28 the trait of fear of God is discussed and there is a discussion as well about the nature of the soul.
Tue, March 11 2025
11 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharit : 6:45am |
Weekday Mincha/Maariv : 6:35pm |
Tomorrow's Calendar
Shacharit : 6:45am |
Weekday Mincha/Maariv : 6:35pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 6:38pm |
Erev Shabbat Mincha Winter : 6:40pm |
Shabbat Day
Shacharit : 9:00am |
Mincha Shabbat : 6:30pm |
Havdalah : 7:39pm |
Motzai Shabbat Maariv : 7:40pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Tisa
Shabbat, Mar 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 14, 6:38pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 15, 7:39pm |
Taanit Esther & Erev Purim
Thursday, Mar 13 |
Anshe Sfard Kehillat Torah 6717 N Green Bay Ave Glendale WI 53209 (414) 228-9296 |
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